Introduction to a Handy Python Package - structlog
When starting with Python’s logging module, many of us have encountered confusion, as with the following code example:
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Hello')
We might expect this code to print the string Hello
, but it doesn’t.
This is because the default log level for Python’s logging module is WARNING
, so only messages at WARNING
levels are displayed.
To properly use the logging module, setting it up is necessary, which often means consulting the Python documentation. This isn’t a problem with Python per se, but rather a design philosophy difference.
So, is there a package more intuitive and easier to use than the built-in logging module?
The answer is “yes,” and that is the structlog package, which this article introduces.
Posted on Aug 30, 2023 in Python Module Recommendations , Python Programming - Beginner Level by Amo Chen ‐ 4 min read